Dr. Anjum Khurshid

Faculty at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard Pilgrim
Health Care Institute,

Opportunities and Challenges of Using Blockchain-based Applications ​
for Population Health


The presentation will focus on identifying briefly how blockchain technology's distributed ledger framework addresses some system-level health data challenges and provides useful opportunities to build applications in specific areas of health. Examples of blockchain-based platforms that allow patients to control their identity and consent while still participating in care and research activities will be shared. Policy and technology challenges in implementing and adopting such systems will also be discussed.

Short Bio

Dr. Anjum Khurshid is a Member of the Faculty at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute. He is the Chief Data Scientist for the Sentinel Operations Center, a national drug surveillance program. Dr. Khurshid was previously the Co-Chief, Health Informatics, Data Science and Epidemiology Division, Department of Population Health and Associate Professor at Dell Medical School, The University of Texas at Austin. He has served on the United States' Federal Advisory Committee for Health Information Technology, a congressionally mandated advisory body, and as a patient engagement advisor to the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute, Washington DC. He is a Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association and on the editorial board of Blockchain in Health Today. Dr. Khurshid earned his medical degree from King Edward Medical University, Lahore and his Masters in Public Affairs and PhD in Public Policy from the University of Texas at Austin.